E-Property Lanka Term and Condition

E-Property Lanka, a digital marketing platform (“Platform”) and commercial brand registered under Ten Lanka One (Pvt) Ltd, a company incorporated in Sri Lanka bearing company registration number [*] and having its registered office at [*] (“Owner”), aims to establish these all-encompassing terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) applicable to Users, incl. Sellers, Buyers, Business Entities and Service Providers.

The www.epropertylanka.lk facilitates property and related service transactions through Auctions and Sales Ads. Contents displayed on www.epropertylanka.lk are User-generated and hold no association with the Platform, absolving the Owner of any liability in potential legal conflicts arising from property and service transactions.

Despite our endeavors to provide a quality and professional digital Platform for property transactions, including Lands, Buildings and other related services, www.epropertylanka.lk cannot be held responsible for potential faults such as image accuracy, advert errors, copyright claims, incomplete/partial information, system glitches, Platform breakdowns or misinformation provided by Users, as these elements are beyond www.epropertylanka.lk control.

Users can communicate concerns, doubts, complaints, or suggestions via info@www.epropertylanka.lk. We highly value User input and will take necessary actions.

By utilizing services on www.epropertylanka.lk, Users acknowledge and agree to the stated Terms & Conditions and all are applicable equally for each User. Be aware that the content may be presented to partnered sites registered under the Owner i.e. for additional functionalities, organic growth, etc. Please note that the Owner retains the right to modify these Terms & Conditions at any time and Users will be notified via web notification. It is the User's responsibility to remain informed about updates.

Non-compliance with the stated Terms & Conditions requires Users to STRICTLY REFRAIN from utilizing services offered. If services are unclear, contact us via info@www.epropertylanka.lk, referencing payments to Third Parties, prior to transferring money to Sellers or Service Providers, www.epropertylanka.lk strongly advise researching secure payment solutions or seeking legal advice. In cases of legal disputes among Users, including Buyers, Sellers, Service Providers or Third Parties, they bear the entire responsibility for consequences arising from their actions.

Henceforth, Users are subject to the entirety of the specified Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policies.

Cookie Policy

By using www.epropertylanka.lk, the user confirms their consent to the Owner’s use of cookies in accordance with its Privacy Policies. Cookies are employed to enhance specific functions of the website and aimed at promoting personalized user experiences. Affiliates may also utilize cookies. For further details, refer to our Privacy Policy.

User Conditions

Users must be at least 18 years old or under the supervision of a Parent/Legal Guardian to use www.epropertylanka.lk. Compulsory details such as Name, Email Address and Username must be provided for registration. Use of others' data during registration is prohibited and considered non-ethical and offensive, potentially leading to legal consequences.

Bidder information is collected during registration to verify bidders, protect personal data and ensure integrity. Data accumulation enhances services and user experience. Data collected, including registration and bidder info, is safeguarded under the Personal Data Protection Act, No. 9 of 2022, safeguarded from being misused or exposed to the public. The Owner affirms that User data will NOT be misused for nefarious purposes.

Activities performed under an account are the responsibility of the Account Holder, including transactions, bidding, content provided i.e. property and service adverts and comments. Regardless of circumstances i.e. User proceeded on behalf of another person, or if their account is misused or hacked, the account holder is accountable.

The www.epropertylanka.lk employs state-of-the-art security mechanisms, but no digital platform is immune to breaches. The Platform is not liable for damages due to Force Majeure and Users must take necessary precautions to prevent errors and unauthorized access. "Force Majeure" shall mean any event or circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the affected party, which prevents, delays, or hinders the performance of its obligations. Such events or circumstances may include, but are not limited to, acts of God, war, terrorism, civil unrest, strikes, lockouts, epidemics, natural disasters, fires, governmental actions, and any other event that is not reasonably foreseeable and directly causes a party's inability to fulfill its obligations.

Users acknowledge that data is secure and used for legitimate purposes by www.epropertylanka.lk. Users are responsible for their data and any gains or losses resulting from it. Advertisers are liable for content they provided and www.epropertylanka.lk is not liable for content disputes.

Transaction on www.epropertylanka.lk should be executed under the account holder’s username i.e. bidding, payments, etc. If the User claims a transaction, content was made in error, including coincidental errors, glitches, or technical errors, they must promptly contact www.epropertylanka.lk via email with the required details i.e. briefing of the user’s concern, name, username, contact details, etc. and in the event of business entities i.e. business users and service providers; briefing of the user’s concern, membership id, username, company name, mobile number, etc.

When posting adverts, Users affirm that the content, including images, videos and information, is accurate and does not infringe upon any copyright, intellectual property rights or other rights of individuals or entities. In case of legal disputes, the User i.e. advertiser is liable for the content, given that www.epropertylanka.lk acts only as a digital marketing Platform. The User acknowledges responsibility for the supplied content and agrees that neither www.epropertylanka.lk nor the Owner will be held liable.

The www.epropertylanka.lk reserves the right to modify ad content partly or fully to meet necessary standards. Users i.e. Individual Users and Business Entities are subjected and will be notified via Email/ Web Notifier and upon User agreement to modifications, the post will be made live

Users are strictly prohibited from engaging in activities such as collecting, broadcasting, spamming, copying, reproducing, downloading, republishing, modifying or creating derivative works from the content of this Platform, in violation of the Terms & Conditions or Privacy Policy. Storing Platform content for future use or unauthorized dissemination is not allowed without written approval from www.epropertylanka.lk. Violators may face permanent banning and legal action by the Owner.

Users must provide accurate data for www.epropertylanka.lk Services and are responsible for actions conducted through their accounts. www.epropertylanka.lk and the Owner will not be held liable for consequences resulting from such actions.

 License & Copyrights

The User i.e. Advertiser or Seller grants www.epropertylanka.lk and the Owner unwavering, irrevocable, non-exclusive rights and licenses to publish, translate, modify, create derivative works and embody such content in any form, medium or technology. All rights, unless explicitly stated, are retained by the Owner for authentic and deliberate purposes, subject to limitations i.e. copying, reproducing, republishing, or distributing material without written permission is prohibited.

Users can post and exchange information or views on the Platform, but this will not influence the perspectives of agents and affiliates of www.epropertylanka.lk. The Platform reserves the right to monitor and remove adverts or comments violating Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policies or deemed inappropriate or offensive. The Owner disclaims any claims, damages, expenses or liabilities resulting from third-party comments on www.epropertylanka.lk.

Users warrant that:

  • Have the permits and consents to publish comments/adverts on www.epropertylanka.lk.
  • Comments won't infringe third-party intellectual property rights i.e. without limitation copyright patent or trademark.
  • Comments won't contain defamatory, libelous, offensive, or illegal material that may violate the Terms & Conditions herein.
  • Comments won't solicit or promote businesses, customs nor encourage illegal activities.

Brand names, Logos and Trademarks are owned by www.epropertylanka.lk, its affiliates, third parties or associated organizations with the right to distinguish them. These Terms & Conditions shall not in any manner grant the User a license or legal claims related to brand names, logos or trademarks. 

Hyperlinking to our Content

Reputed Organizations mentioned below can link to www.epropertylanka.lk without prior written approval:

  •  Government Agencies.
  • News Organizations.
  • Search Engines.
  •  Distributors of online directories.
  • When considering system-wide credited businesses, charity shopping malls, fundraisers and nonprofits are not permitted to hyperlink.   

These reputed organizations have the approval to link our home page to publications or any other publications as long as they follow certain guild lines given below:

  1.       Not be deceptive
  2.       Falsely hint in support, sponsor or approval of the linking site and its products or services
  3.            Suit the content displayed on www.epropertylanka.lk of the linking website.

Before linking to www.epropertylanka.lk, the following organizations must first obtain our permission:

  •     Commonly known consumer or business information sources.
  •     Associations or other similar groups.
  •     Online directory distributors.
  •        Internet Portals.
  •     dot.com & other similar community sites.
  •         Educational institutions and trade associations.
  •        Accounting, law and consulting firms.

The www.epropertylanka.lk will authorize link requests from these organizations if we determine that:

  1.      Neither www.epropertylanka.lk nor the affiliated businesses are negatively affected by the relationship.
  2.      If the Owner has no unfavorable history with the requested organization.
  3.           the Owner receives an exposer when linking.
  4.       If the linking page is part of a collection of resource data.

These organizations may link to our home page as long as the following guidelines are followed:

  1.      Not be deceptive
  2.       Falsely hint in approval, sponsor or support the linking site and its products and/or services
  3.           Suit the content displayed on www.epropertylanka.lk of the linking website.

Organizations listed above are interested in hyperlinking to www.epropertylanka.lk, please forward an email to tenlankaone@gmail.com and make sure to include the necessary data:

  •       Sender name.
  •    Contact Info.
  •       Organization name.
  •    Linking Organizations URL.
  •       List of URLs on websites you wish to append to our website.
  •    List of URLs on www.epropertylanka.lk website i.e. web pages you wish to append on other websites.


Reputed Organizations such as Gov. Institutes, Technical Institutes, Banks, Universities and Major Real Estate Companies May Hyperlink to www.epropertylanka.lk as mentioned below:

  •       Utilizing the Owner. Commercial Brands.
  •    Utilization of the uniform resource locator, being linked.
  •       Utilizing any description of the linked-to website that makes sense in the context and structure of the linking website s context.

The use of the www.epropertylanka.lk Logo or other Artwork for linking purposes is STRICTLY PROHIBITED in the absence of a Trademark License Agreement. Organizations with hyperlinks to www.epropertylanka.lk have NO DIRECT AFFILIATION to www.epropertylanka.lk therefore the Owner. will NOT be held liable for any disclosure of content or information presented in them.

Removal of external links

The Owner reserves the right to request Linking Organizations to remove link(s) to www.epropertylanka.lk if such link(s) are libelous, obscene, offensive or violate Third-Party rights. Linking Organizations must promptly remove the link(s) upon request and adhere to this agreement when linking to www.epropertylanka.lk.

Despite the Owner’s efforts, it cannot ensure that information on external websites is always comprehensive, accurate, up-to-date or operational. Third-party websites are not under www.epropertylanka.lk governance or supervision.

Restrictions on iFrame

Third parties are strictly prohibited from creating iframes around www.epropertylanka.lk that alter the visual presentation or appearance of our website without prior approval and written consent.


Security Content

The www.epropertylanka.lk bear full responsibility for the services it directly provides, excluding those from third parties such as Individual Users, Business Users and Service Providers, along with related Copyrights. Watermarks on images in Ads signify ownership by www.epropertylanka.lk, preventing unauthorized use and safeguarding against misuse without owner's consent. Users grant www.epropertylanka.lk full rights over provided data and images to prevent misuse or distortion by Third Parties.


Content Liabilities

Content on www.epropertylanka.lk is contributed by various users i.e. Individual Users, Business Users and Service Providers. It's important to note that neither www.epropertylanka.lk nor the Owner has any affiliation with these entities.

Buyers must exercise caution and not blindly rely on descriptions provided by sellers in various ads, including real estate, auctions and services. Such descriptions may prioritize the interests of Sellers or Service Providers rather than the Buyers' best interests.

We strongly advise buyers to thoroughly research Properties and Services before Bidding in Auctions or making Direct Transactions. Information supplied by selling parties may not always be accurate, objective, complete or even intentionally fraudulent.

Moving forward, neither www.epropertylanka.lk nor the Owner, will be held responsible for possible inaccurate, insufficient or false information provided by Sellers, Service Providers or relevant Third Parties in adverts. Furthermore, www.epropertylanka.lk will pass over claims for Users' irresponsible actions when using services listed within the Platform.

By using our Platform, Users acknowledge their responsibility to educate themselves before making Transactions or using www.epropertylanka.lk Services. Users further agree that in case of legal conflicts between Buying and Selling Parties, the Owner will not be held accountable and will not face legal charges or claims.

Advertisers are prohibited from posting content for which they do not possess copyrights to photographs, images, videos, etc. or explicit approval to do so. Replicating complete portions of ad content or copying links, photos or other content from ads is strictly prohibited.

In the event of legal complications arising from User-provided content, including Advertisers, Sellers, Service Providers and Third Parties, those responsible for the content will be held liable for legal charges. The Owner i.e. www.epropertylanka.lk will not be held liable. Users hereby agree to provide only authentic content and accept any charges arising from their advertised content.

the Owner retains the right under the law to disclose personal or related information of violators to appropriate authorities and to remove such ads without prior notice to Users, Sellers or Service Providers i.e., violators in cases of ensuing legal disputes.


Blogs available on www.epropertylanka.lk are intended solely for educational purposes. They should not be directly implemented without additional research or consideration. Neither www.epropertylanka.lk nor the Owner will be held responsible for the application of any information provided in the blogs.

Readers i.e. Users are hereby advised not to solely rely on the instructions or information provided in a blog. It is their responsibility to conduct further research and take full accountability for their actions. By using our Platform, readers agree not to blindly follow blog content and acknowledge their obligation to exercise due diligence.

Business Links (External Web)

Businesses listed on www.epropertylanka.lk are dedicated pages managed and maintained by www.epropertylanka.lk, with content provided by Dedicated Users i.e. Businesses or Entities. Please be aware that the businesses featured have No direct or indirect affiliation with this website. www.epropertylanka.lk reserves the right to review and take necessary actions, including adding, removing or not publishing content, if thedisplayed information does not align with the Platform's content, malicious, misleading or violates the Terms & Conditions or Privacy Policies outlined herein.

Users are urged to exercise caution and responsibility for any actions taken based on the information provided by external businesses. Neither www.epropertylanka.lk nor the Owner have any association with these businesses and as a result, they will not be held liable for any outcomes arising from interactions with these entities.

The Owner disclaims responsibility for any charges, liabilities, harm or expenses incurred by Users utilizing external businesses featured on www.epropertylanka.lk, neither will the Owner be responsible for any consequences faced by these External Businesses due to User interactions facilitated through www.epropertylanka.lk. 

Wanted (Solar System/Properties)

Data acquired voluntary from Users when facilitating the "Wanted" feature exclusively belongs to the Owner, i.e. www.epropertylanka.lk. This data will not be publicly displayed or distributed to any external parties. Upon identifying an appropriate company based on the User's specified criteria, we will share necessary information, including requirements and contact details, to facilitate direct communication between the User and the chosen Service Provider. Following this step, our involvement with both the User and Service Provider will conclude.

As a result, neither the Owner nor www.epropertylanka.lk will be held liable for any damages, time or monetary losses or any other forms of suffering experienced by either party i.e. User or the Service Provider. This disclaimer applies to any potential outcomes arising from the connection facilitated through our services.


Sales Ads

Sales Ads are exclusively accessible to registered users for interaction and publication. Adverts posted through user accounts are publicly visible on www.epropertylanka.lk, including the provided information and images. However, it's important to note that the Owner disclaims any liability for potential consequences or outcomes resulting from user-disclosed and published data.

Promotions can enhance sales adverts, but it's crucial to be aware of specific limits associated with each promotion category. For detailed information regarding these limits, Users are advised to contact www.epropertylanka.lk before making any payments. The following are the promotion limits:

· Exclusive Ads: Up to 3 Units

· E-Auction Ads: Up to 6 Units

· Premium Ads: Up to 9 Units

· Express Ads: Up to 4 Units

· View Point Ads: Up to 2 Units

· Urgent Tags: Unlimited, subject to their intended purpose

We prioritize different classified ad types on the home page, subject to available space and potential additional fees, adverts which are to be promoted will be based on “First Come First Serve Basis”. ensures fairness for all users and helps deflect complaints or legal actions against the Owner, as we uphold an equitable policy.


E-Auctions i.e. Electronic Auctions, conducted by www.epropertylanka.lk, are online auctions similar to sales ads but specifically for Properties. They involve time limits and bidding, where the highest bidder secures the property. For further details, consult the auction guide. By engaging in E-Auctions or Registering to Bid, users automatically agree to the listed Terms & Conditions. Both Bidders and Auction Sellers are required to provide requested data for E-Auction adverts and undergo verification by www.epropertylanka.lk. However, if the provided data is found to be fraudulent, inaccurate or incorrect, access to this service may be denied. To ensure maximum security, User personal information will be safeguarded in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, No. 9 of 2022; further details can be found in the Privacy Policies.

Before posting an E-Auction ad, www.epropertylanka.lk gathers legal details about the Seller's property through Q&A to inform potential Bidders about the property's legal status. This legal information will be displayed alongside the user's auction post

When placing a Bid, the successful Bidder must commit to paying a reservation fee ranging from 5% to 10% of the Bid amount to secure the property. Once a User places a Bid, it cannot be changed or withdrawn. However, users can contact www.epropertylanka.lk to request a change or withdrawal. However, if specific conditions are met the bid would be removed, these are:

· Spamming Bids

· User Bans

· Seller Requests

Live E-Auction ads cannot be removed before the duration expires, but the Seller may request withdrawal under valid circumstances by contacting www.epropertylanka.lk and providing essential information via email as stated in the User Conditions.

Please note that www.epropertylanka.lk is neither directly nor indirectly involved with parties participating in E-Auctions. Bidders bear their own risk when participating in E-Auctions and decisions to Overbid or Underbid rest entirely on the Bidders' assessment. Consequently, www.epropertylanka.lk bears no responsibility for financial losses, missed opportunities or other damages resulting from the use of E-Auction services.

The Seller is responsible for selecting the winner based on the final Bid list, and neither the Bidder nor the Seller has any affiliation with www.epropertylanka.lk. In the event of miscommunication or misunderstanding between Buyer and Seller during property transactions, www.epropertylanka.lk will not be held liable, as it acts solely as a digital marketing Platform.

Users acknowledge adherence to all Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policies when using E-Auctions, understanding that neither www.epropertylanka.lk nor the Owner will be responsible for potential financial losses, time, or other damages, including any arising from the disclosure of sensitive or personal information via www.epropertylanka.lk.

Advertisement Monitoring and Removal

The www.epropertylanka.lk, hold the authority to monitor and assess the standard, content, structure and compliance of adverts to ensure alignment with our current Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. Advertisements failing to meet these criteria will be rejected. In such cases, necessary modifications will be carried out by www.epropertylanka.lk and the User will be PROMPTLY NOTIFIED via email and/or the web notifier. Only upon the user's acknowledgment and agreement to the proposed changes will the advertisement be eligible for publication.

If irregularities are detected in LIVE advertisements, www.epropertylanka.lk may withdraw them for the following reasons:

· Repeated complaints about the advertisement.

· Evidence indicating potential liability for www.epropertylanka.lk over time.

· User ban due to guideline violations.

Users hereby AGREE that www.epropertylanka.lk will oversee all activities related to user-generated content going forward, allowing us to REMOVE or MODIFY advertisements without prior notification as detailed in this documentation.


The www.epropertylanka.lk offers various services including Auction Ads, Sales Promotion Ads, Business Profiles, etc. Payments can be made through PayHere i.e. Online and Bank Deposits i.e. Offline. Users are fully responsibility for payments and www.epropertylanka.lk will not be held liable for any faults, failures, losses or delays occurring during the transaction process due to technical issues within the banking system. Transactions are typically processed during business hours but urgent requests outside these times can be accommodated upon prior User notification.

Please note that once an advert or profile is subjected to promotion or any other service, cancellations are generally not permissible. However, if the User contacts www.epropertylanka.lk before the advert or profile is affected, a cancellation with a 50% refund may be considered. Valid reasons for cancellation include:

· Duplicate payments for a single service.

· Genuine accidental purchase.

· Unpublished ad or unused membership.

In such cases, if the cancelation request is acknowledged, Users should send an email to info@www.epropertylanka.lk with relevant details as mentioned in the Terms & Conditions, i.e. account information, username or membership ID, etc.

Cancellation requests may be declined for reasons including:

· Account access by someone else.

· Active ad promotion or membership usage.

· Unsubstantiated claims.


**Note: Please refer the How to Post an Ad Guide

Instances involving spam, malicious payments, fraudulent activities or poor payment history may result in user exclusion or placement on our blacklist. Removal from the blacklist may require an additional fee before subsequent payments.

Users acknowledge and commit to making payments with integrity, refraining from malicious or deceptive actions. www.epropertylanka.lk will not be held responsible for such conduct. Users also acknowledge that the Owner retains the right to cancel or decline payment with due diligence and fairness.



Platform Availability

While www.epropertylanka.lk endeavors to maintain optimal website functionality, periodic maintenance is necessary to update systems and enhance security. Users should be aware that the website is provided on an "as is" basis and availability may vary.



In the event of any violation of these Terms & Conditions, including negligent or wrongful conduct, the Users i.e. both Individual Users and Business Entities, agree to indemnify www.epropertylanka.lk and the Owner, as well as their staff, including officers, directors, employees and agents, against all losses, expenses, damages and fees, including attorney fees. Users hereby agree to indemnify www.epropertylanka.lk and the Owner and their staff against any such violations.


When utilizing the Platform, the Account Holder bears responsibility for any legal conflicts arising from their activities. In case of disputes or payment cancellations, Users must contact www.epropertylanka.lk via email, providing necessary information as outlined in the User Conditions. While advertising on www.epropertylanka.lk, the Platform reserves the right to oversee related actions and intervene as needed to maintain high standards.

The Content of Ads, Showcased Properties and Third-Party Services or Transactions among Buyers, Sellers or Third Parties are Independent of www.epropertylanka.lk. This website is merely a Digital Marketing Platform for Real Estate Content and hold no liability for such content.

As content is contributed by Third Parties i.e. Individual Users, Business Entities, etc., www.epropertylanka.lk lacks authority over Accuracy, Safety, Legality of Properties and Services or Authenticity, Errors, Quality of content listed. Please note that www.epropertylanka.lk can cooperate with authorities in case of guideline violations and that this Platform operates under Sri Lankan laws. Disputes related to www.epropertylanka.lk usage or content fall under the jurisdiction of Sri Lankan courts.

Any Ads or Remarks violating Terms & Conditions, using Inappropriate Language or Spamming may be removed or rejected. Disagreements among Buyers, Sellers or Third Parties related to Services or Property on www.epropertylanka.lk are between those parties. www.epropertylanka.lk won't be held liable for any claims, losses, damages arising from such disputes.

Under NO circumstances will the Owner nor www.epropertylanka.lk be liable for any possible consequential / direct / indirect / incidental / special or any other form of damages, including without limitation of liability for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use of or incapability to use this Platform, loss of time, profit, data, images or other content, arising out of, based on or resulting from this agreement or the User’s usage of the services, even if www.epropertylanka.lk had advised of the possibility of such damages. The Users are solely responsible for the use of the Platform, services, and materials.


Educational content i.e. Blogs on www.epropertylanka.lk isn't expert-reviewed. Users must research before applying information. Users accept that real-world application requires thorough investigation.

This Document may update without prior notice and changes apply immediately to all Users. Users are responsible for staying updated on Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. If the User, i.e. Buyers, Seller, Service Providers or Third Parties have any inquires, contact customer service department via email i.e.  infor@www.epropertylanka.lk. or visit https://www.epropertylanka.lk/contact to get more information or consult a legal expert of the User’s choosing. 

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