Seller’s Guide

Welcome to E Property Lanka, your ultimate destination for showcasing and selling your properties in Sri Lanka! This seller's guide is designed to help you navigate our platform and make the most out of your property listings. Whether you're a seasoned real estate professional or a first-time seller, we've got you covered.

Table of Contents:

1.      Getting Started

·        Creating an Account.

·        Logging In.

·        Understanding Your Dashboard.

2.      Listing Your Property

·        Adding a New Listing.

·        Property Details.

·        Uploading Photos.

·        Pricing Your Property.

·        Property Description.

3.      Making Utilize Ad Promotions to Listing Stand Out

·        Ad Promotions?

·        Types of Promotions.

4.      Managing Your Listings

·        Editing Listings.

·        Marking Listings as Sold or Rented.

·        Removing Listings.

5.      E-Auction

·        E-Auction?

·        How to Utilize

·        Benefits

·        Tips for a Successful E-Auction

6.      Interacting with Buyers

·        Responding to Inquiries.

·        Scheduling Property Viewings.

·        Negotiating Offers.

7.      Best Practices for Selling

·        Setting Competitive Prices.

8.      Safety and Security

·        Protecting Your Personal Information.

·        Recognizing Scams.

·        Reporting Suspicious Activity.

9.      Resources and Support

·        FAQs.

·        Contacting Customer Support.

·        Seller's Tips and Tricks.

1.      Getting Started

To start selling your property on E Property Lanka, you'll need to create an account. Click on the "Sign Up" button and provide your details. Make sure to use a valid email address for account verification.

Once you've created your account, log in using your email and password. You'll land on your personalized dashboard, where you can manage your listings and account settings.

Simply you can access your dashboard by clicking on your user name and then clicking on the dashboard. Your dashboard is your control center. Here, you can see an overview of your active listings, messages from potential buyers, notifications about your listings' status  and more.


2.      Listing Your Property

For Adding a New Listing, First Click on "Add Your Property" to begin listing your property. Follow the prompts to input essential details such as Property Type, and what Ad Type you prefer.

Moving forward provide Accurate information about your property, including the location, size, number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and any additional features that make your property unique.

Then, upload pictures of your Property. A picture is worth a thousand words. Upload high-quality images of your property to attract potential buyers. Showcase the property from various angles, including interior and exterior shots. Look into our “How to Capture Images of Property” blog to capture the best shorts.

Set a competitive and realistic price for your property. Research similar listings in your area to get an idea of market rates. Lucky for you we have prepared a blog on “How to Conduct a Real Estate Marketing Research”, make sure to take a peek to identify how to price your property.

If you have additional information or special things to write about your property you can add that to the description section. Highlight its key features, neighborhood benefits, any recent renovations or upgrades and things that make your property Stand Out from the competition.

For an in-detail guide on Ad Posting take a look at our “How to Post an Ad” blog.



3.      Utilize Ad Promotions to Listing Stand Out

Ad Promotions help to boost your Ad Visibility by tenfold, each ad promotion is limited and will place your advert somewhere in the Homepage or Listing page.

The following are the types of Ad Promotions

Ad Promotion


Price (Rs.)

Exclusive Ads

Homepage > Top


Premium Ads

Homepage > Middle


Express Ads

Homepage> Bottom


View Point

Listing Page(s) > Top


Urgent Ad

Homepage/Listing Page > Remains Stationary (Bright Blue Tag is placed)



With a high visibility rate, you will have no troubles attracting potential Buyers and speeding up the selling process. For more information Contact Us.


4.       Managing Your Listings

Editing Listings: Need to make changes to your listing? You can easily edit property details, update photos, or adjust the price from your dashboard.

Marking Listings as Sold or Rented: Once your property is sold or rented, mark it as such to avoid further inquiries. It keeps your listings current and saves time for both you and potential buyers.

Removing / Hiding Listings: If you no longer wish to advertise a property, you can Remove the listing from your dashboard or if you wish to Temporary Remove the advert, you can hide it.


5.      E-Auction

Want to get more value for your property? Introducing E-Auction at E Property Lanka, we offer this unique and exciting designed to help you sell your property through Online Auctions. This section will guide you through the process of using E-Auction to maximize your property's exposure and potential sale price.

What is E-Auction? E-Auction is an innovative way to sell your property through a competitive bidding process. It allows you to set a Starting Bid Price, Auction Duration, and Reserve Price (optional). Potential buyers will place Bids on your property, driving up the price until the auction ends.

Using E-Auction

  1. Create a New Auction Listing: To get started with E-Auction, click on "Add Your Property" as usual, and select the "E-Auction" option.
  2. Set Auction Parameters: Configure the auction details, including the starting bid price, auction duration (typically 7-14 days), and reserve price (if desired). The reserve price is the minimum price at which you are willing to sell your property.
  3. Upload Compelling Auction Photos: Just like regular listings, include high-quality photos to attract bidders. Visuals play a crucial role in driving interest.
  4. Engage Potential Bidders: Promote your E-Auction listing through your social networks and contacts. Encourage potential buyers to participate in the auction.
  5. Set Visiting Dates for Open Tours: Selects the Dates and Visiting hours potential buyers can view the property. We recommend to have Open Tours in the Weekends and Holidays as the likelihood of the potential buyer being free are higher.
  6. Monitor the Auction: Keep a close eye on the bidding activity during the auction period. You'll receive notifications when new bids are placed.
  7. Consider Counteroffers: If the auction reaches your reserve price, you can consider accepting the reservation bid price or continue the auction.
  8. Award the Property: Once the auction concludes, award the property to the highest bidder. You'll receive contact information for the winning bidder to finalize the transaction.

Benefits of E-Auction

  • Increased Competition: E-Auction encourages competitive bidding, potentially leading to a higher sale price.
  • Time Efficiency: Auctions have a set timeframe, allowing you to sell your property quickly and pressuring buyers to act quick
  • Transparency: You can see real-time bid activity, ensuring transparency throughout the process.

Tips for a Successful E-Auction

  1. Set an Attractive Starting Price: A competitive starting price can generate initial interest in your property.
  2. Use High-Quality Images: Clear, appealing images can attract more bidders.
  3. Respond Promptly: Be responsive to bidder inquiries and update your listing as needed.
  4. Market Your Auction: Share your E-Auction listing on social media, property forums, and with your network to attract more bidders.
  5. Consider the Reserve Price Carefully: Setting the right reserve price is crucial. It should be your minimum acceptable sale price. Make sure to take a peek at our “How to Conduct a Real Estate Marketing Research” to place a good reserve price. 
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